
A customer-centric vision from the new Research lab

We set up a research lab for Claro Video and Music to help them improve their products by gaining a better understanding of the demands of their customers across Latam.
Rating in PlayStore
Telecommunications - Media
User Research
Experience Research
Usability Testing
User Experience
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The challenge
Placing the user at the heart of the decision-making process
Claro Video faced the challenge of upgrading its products to provide value to the group's current end users (Telmex, Telcel, Claro) and thus generate greater loyalty with telecommunications services.

To achieve this, we proposed working with users on a continuous Research lab model, in which we not only brought the user's need to the forefront of the conversation, but also assisted in translating it into design language, so that their goals could be met through insights, design, and the final solution.
"It's been amazing working with Claro Video for the past 5 years. From the challenge of evaluating usability on multiple devices to expanding the scope of work to other countries in the region, it has resulted in an extraordinary bond amongst the team and a large disposition to listen to our team's new ideas, work methods, and so on. Claro Video has put their trust in us, and I am eternally grateful."
What we did
Obtain consumer insights from a Research Lab
We've been working with Claro as part of a User Research Laboratory since 2017. Only Usability Tests of the Video and Music platforms were worked on at first, in order to build the groundwork for the platforms' future.

From that point forward, the company began to see research as a valuable tool for validating new ideas, discovering new market niches, and making faster product roadmap decisions.

As a result, we began to evolve the methodologies, but more importantly, we were able to assist them in building action roadmaps around challenges that were not only linked to the design of the platform, but also to the design of the process, through workshops with the Claro team.
Through the benchmarks, we were able to put into perspective the differentiating elements of the competition and how Claro could win against them. And through First Click, we were able to do a quick assessment of the discoverability of elements to help promote products and services that we were looking to increase the usage of. We also carried out usability tests to determine the improvements to be made –for specific tasks and flows– prioritizing the deficiencies that Claro could see in its analytics data but could not understand what the user's expectation was.
Key learnings
Claro has been an account that has inspired us to try new ways of conducting user research by allowing us to test with different devices like Smart TVs and set up boxes (in the case of Claro Video), and perform research in foreign countries. We were able to study how the same product interacts and adjusts based on the context of the users in countries like Argentina, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil.

The Claro team's involvement allowed them to act as spokespersons for what they were able to verify in the research and notify their design and development teams in real time, which helped them explain the goals that needed to be met.

Understanding and speaking the same language across both teams to comprehend which data is truly useful for proposing adjustments to point out and focus.
The results
The approach taken with Claro Musica has shown to be effective, and will be applied to the other platforms as well.
The most evident result during this time has been an improvement in the Claro Musica app's classification in the Play Store, which went from 1 to 4 stars between November 2019 and November 2020.
Rating in PlayStore
"Multiplica is more than a vendor to us. It's an ally, a collaborator, and someone who unquestionably adds to our team's strength. Without a doubt, they provide us with several benefits. However, I would emphasize trustworthiness and digital expertise, both of which are quite tough to come by in the market."
Francisco Trejo Candelas
Sub Director UX Claro Video
The findings have allowed us to not only improve the products, but also to influence Claro's internal work process,
in which concepts, ideas, and final products are constantly tested, allowing decisions about how a product will evolve to be not only a good business idea, but also to be aligned to real user's needs and expectations.
We broadened our research by interviewing users from other markets
while working in parallel with Claro TV and Claro Musica in Argentina, Peru, Colombia, and Brazil.
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