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Every day, technology becomes more crucial. Companies, governments, organizations, and the general public are always looking for new ways to simplify certain processes. As a result, Multiplica believes that these will be the ten trends that will dominate the agenda of digital experiences in 2022.

Trend #1: Platforms as building blocks

Platforms will continue to serve as enablers of digital world functionalities, much like little pieces that are put together to create specific solutions. As more complicated services are required, the development of small yet particular platforms will accelerate.

For example, a restaurant chain that has to handle its orders, stock, and delivery management system from end to end can connect to a platform that provides the entire solution while simply dealing with the front-end.

This trend will be important next year because it will allow businesses to save time and money by allowing them to design technical solutions on their own, which would take years and cost them more money. Also, as a result, they will be able to access more complex and complete functionalities without the need for massive and costly integrations.

Trend #2: No-code fires up its engines

No-code tools put ready-to-use components in the hands of users, allowing them to tailor them to their own needs. As a result, businesses of all sizes may rapidly and easily develop new technical solutions.

Additionally, because they provide more visually appealing and easy interfaces, it is excellent to be able to design tools without requiring as much digital ability.

Although this technology has been around for a while, more service providers are now adopting this mindset. According to Gartner, 41% of non-IT workers are already using technology to develop software, and this number is expected to rise to more than 65 percent by 2024.

Trend #3: Digital morphs into Phygital

 The world has evolved, and the digital environment, which combines the finest of the physical and virtual worlds, is here to stay. More and more businesses are allowing you to initiate a purchase from your app or website, then pick it up in a shop or have it delivered to your home. Something that seemed innovative a few years ago is now the norm.

The desire for digital models prompted organizations that had previously focused solely on physical models to experiment. As a result, more and more experiences are being tied to a phygital journey that can begin, evolve, and end in a variety of locations rather than being contained to an app or a web.

 Trend #4: The time of Tokenization

Tokenization is a part of the evolution of Blockchain, and it is changing the way people, organizations, institutions, enterprises, and governments communicate and trade information today.

Tokens are created using a smart contract and a few lines of code, with each token being an entry in the registry that corresponds to a blockchain address.

The versatility is such that they can represent anything: from a store of value to a set of permits and contracts from the physical, digital and legal worlds. 

Tokens are expected to emerge with greater vigour in 2022, resulting in new methods of engaging to employment. Governments will do the same, as it is in the countries’ interests to make present tax structures more flexible in order to attract people to have their tax residence transferred to their wallets.

Trend #5: Sustainable design, sustainable brands

Companies explore strategies that involve – as active participants in sustainability practices – those people who are going to use a product or service. This fosters a culture of sustainability, which empowers people and connects with the values ​​of the brand.

Responsible innovation considers sustainability, resulting in practicable, viable, desirable, and long-term products and services. By including social responsibility from the start of the design process, the look is broadened to account for additional variables.

What is more, consumer loyalty to sustainable brands is growing. The planet’s social patterns and climate concerns require solutions for innovation and long-term development. As a result, brands have a tremendous potential to engage emotionally with their customers in order to have a beneficial impact on the world.

The regenerative approach of the product or service shifts the paradigm and the established status quo by rethinking the business model in relation to the brand’s own narrative.

Trend #6: First Party Data to activate unforgettable experiences

While Google has opted to postpone plans for a cookie-free world until 2023, businesses have already begun to consider how they would reorganize in order to cope with this new reality in 2021. They were able to have a greater and better relationship with their users as a result of something that began as an issue.

Companies will need to take First Party Data seriously in 2022 because they will have access to a deep and detailed understanding of their users and consumers, allowing them to execute more efficient personalized actions.

Companies will gain vital inputs from their consumers, who will have increasingly relevant experiences, in addition to being able to mobilize communities of their brands, which, if correctly managed, will enable them build a two-way relationship.

In a nutshell, First Party Data supports the formation of synergies across different areas of a company, allowing them to create powerful experiences for their clients both in the digital and physical world.

Trend #7: Total Experience (TX)

The Total Experience (TX) concept challenges organisations to consider the entire experience.

It needs a holistic approach to developing strategies, technological capabilities, and innovation frameworks, particularly at the intersections of experiences: the unification of UX design, content, marketing strategy, customer, and collaborator experience to deliver a unified and seamless brand engagement experience.

TX requires organizations to bring together and measure all of these functions within a unified strategy, rather than planning, implementing, and measuring them in silos.

In the end, excellence cannot be attained when businesses approach each experience as a collection of separate tactics, because it is more difficult to duplicate and measure than a coherent strategy pursuing a shared goal.

Trend #8: A true CX with Artificial Intelligence

The customer experience (CX) should strive to be dynamic enough to allow for a high level of customization in the purchasing process.

As a result, Artificial Intelligence can be used to analyze, solve, and forecast actions in order to come up with specific solutions. In consequence, organizations may provide offers at the ideal time to encourage the purchase of a product or service, while also learning from their customers.

AI provides for the interpretation and learning of consumer behavior in order to create a customer-specific customization plan. Where Artificial Intelligence and human attention converge, businesses and marketing teams can build authentic end-to-end experiences.

Trend #9: Patient-centricity

The healthcare industry will be one of the industries that accelerates its digital transformation the most in the coming year, and it will do so from a patient-centric perspective in which patients are more empowered and informed, allowing them to participate more in treatment decisions. New technologies, in turn, propose changes across the healthcare industry’s value chain.

In addition, in the manufacture and distribution of medications, a new breed of medical startups is gaining ground on established corporations. The majority of health-related discoveries in recent years have come from entrepreneurs, bankers, developers, and technology businesses, rather than from doctors or laboratories.

Trend #10: More outsourcing

Finding IT specialists who can create and implement high-quality software projects while staying under budget and minimizing spending and worker devotion has become increasingly difficult for businesses and governments.

As a result, in 2022, relying on specialized companies will become increasingly common. So much so that, according to a Boston Consulting Group survey of 200 organizations from various industries, 79 percent admit to seeking assistance from service providers in order to implement new technology.

2022 will be a year of enormous challenges. So, if you want to discover which of these trends best suits your company’s needs, contact Lucio Grimaldi, Tribe Leader US at Multiplica.