Other organizations’ approaches to digital transformation have radically changed in recent years. Not everything happens as a result of technology or design, but rather as a result of a proper combination and synergy of both parties, to which the best methodologies are added. How do these three variables interact to produce meaningful experiences?
Historically, design and technology teams worked independently and without a dynamic methodology that enabled them to reduce time and improve delivery.
Traditionally, for example, design teams would come up with ambitious solutions that could not be technologically implemented. Those in charge of technology, on the other hand, approached the project in a different way.
Companies, increasingly tech advanced
There is no doubt that technology plays an important role in organizations’ digitization processes today and will continue to do so in the future. According to the consultancy Statista, digital transformation (DX) spending is expected to reach $1.78 trillion by 2022.
McKinsey, on the other hand, predicted that by 2025, more than 50 billion devices will be industrially connected to the Internet of Things. Furthermore, according to the consulting firm, implementing robotics and 3D printing technologies in sectors such as mobility, healthcare, manufacturing, or retail could boost global GDP from 1.2 trillion dollars to 2 trillion dollars by 2030.
However, in order to be ready for such investments and challenges, businesses must plan ahead of time.
What must change?
On one hand, the “team” concept needs to be altered. It is no longer a question of «the design team» or «the technology team» as separate entities, but of all as one. The distinction appears subtle, but it is diametrically opposed to how it used to work.
As a result, rather than working for months to complete a project – or a portion of one – and then waiting for the client’s requested changes, agile methodologies must be implemented. Companies can then deliver the solution quickly and incorporate the necessary feedback, always keeping the user at the center of the decisions.
Every company must create the necessary synergies between the teams that define CX and the development teams that will implement it, so that projects are designed from the start with the goal of making the most of technology in the service of improving the experience.
The main takeaways
Multiplica has been in business for over 20 years. We have seen not only technological change, but also how innovation has directly impacted organizations and their customers. We have reached the following conclusions during this time:
This has become one of the three fundamental pillars for any company redefining its relationship with customers through innovation, along with understanding these customers and developing a business model that encourages and sustains innovation. It is critical to create meaningful experiences.
Adapting to customer demands necessitates more decoupled and flexible reference architectures, which reduce time to market while increasing robustness, scalability, and security. Microservices enable you to dream big while starting with pilots or MVPs to generate value through continuous changes in shorter cycles and then scaling them to the entire organization.
With the increasing difficulty of attracting digital talent to a company, more and more models of hybrid teams, made up of both internal and external professionals, are being developed, incorporating multidisciplinary profiles with multiple capabilities. These groups are constantly learning and incorporating new skills and knowledge, which they then pass on to the rest of the company.
Given the increase of the methodologies available for use in an innovation process, a discovery phase must begin to provide an understanding of the company’s current state and the capabilities it has to contrast it in a framework.
«Design is not just what it looks like and how it feels like,» Steve Jobs once said. «How it works is through design.» As a result, businesses must combine the best of design and technology to provide their customers with the most relevant experiences.
Multiplica has a long history of creating relevant experiences for businesses of all sizes, industries, and geographies. We invite you to contact Gerardo Barbosa, Multiplica’s CTO Europe, to learn more about how we can assist you in your transformation journey.